Lodge Rosa Stellaris


Servants of the Light School of Occult Studies

Workshops 2015

Ritual Magic III Flyer
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Ritual Magic Three (Part III of a Three Part Series)

Friday evening (6pm to 9:30pm) April 10th Saturday (9am to 9:30pm) April 11th Sunday (9am to 6pm) April 12th, 2015

Location to be announced to registrants and will be in the the North East Portland, Oregon metro area


Ritual and ceremony have played an important part in the spiritual quest of humanity ever since the days of Ancient Egypt. The esoteric orders use magical ritual as a tool for spiritual and psychic development, for seeking wisdom from the Inner-Level Teachers, and to help and heal. Ritual can be many different things and can take many forms, but whether a simple spell, a solemn High Mass, personal empowerment, or the elaborate temple work of the initiated and contacted magician, the same fundamental laws apply to all forms of ritual.


This three-part workshop series is open to anyone who is interested in learning about this ancient Art. It consists of three week-end workshops. The same group of people goes through the entire series as a unit. The three week-ends, spaced about six months apart, build on each other, each workshop taking the work of the previous one to a higher level. For this reason, they must be taken in sequence. Each week-end contains many practical exercises, and there is always a larger group ritual where the participants are able to make use of what they have learned.


You will need a simple white robe for the ritual. Also bring some writing materials to take notes.

Proposed Curriculum: (Not in order of either importance or schedule, and topics may vary based on participant’s skills) 

  • The Ego
  • Temple Sleep
  • Angelic Magic
  • Seasonal Rites
  • Outdoor Rituals
  • The Magical Will
  • Triangles in Magic
  • Choosing a Tradition
  • Sexual Energy in Magic
  • Using the Anima/Animus as a Magical Partner
  • The Seals of Intonation
  • Walking in the Two Worlds
  • The Atlantean Invocations
  • Starting a Group or Lodge
  • Seeking a Personal Contact
  • Opening on the Four Levels
  • Consecration and Initiation
  • Male Mysteries, Female Mysteries
  • The Higher Levels of Path-Working
  • Balancing the Power within a Group
  • Personal Symbols and their Importance
  • The Advanced Way of Assuming God-Forms
  • Marriage and Funeral Rites within a Magical Lodge



To stand in a room and look at your own physical body deep in sleep is something which gives you an absolute conviction that you are something more than the body; you are a being independent of that body and capable of existing apart from it.”


WE Butler       

Image description

Group Ritual: "Mass of the Archangels."


Peter Cawley has worked with the Servants of the Light since 1985. He is a  Supervisor, Third Degree initiate, and Magus of the SOL Lodge of the Lions' Gate.  


Reserve with non-refundable deposit: $75 by March 1st (limit 15 participants).

Payable through paypal to este.rowan@gmail.com or send email to make other arrangements.


Total cost $125 after April 1st, 2015.

Meals and housing are not provided.

Coffee and tea will be available.

Dining options are nearby.


Please register for workshop here.

Registration should redirect you to payment page which can also be accessed directly by clicking here.


Please email Este Anne Rowan at este.rowan@gmail.com with any questions.